Intro to Raspberry Pi – A Newbie’s Nibble

So you’ve decided to enter the world of mini computing and Raspberry Pi (RPI) is the flavor you chose. If you are like me you were oh so excited when you made your purchase but once you received it in the mail and start trying to “do your thing” you kinda come to a slow […]

The Xamarin Experience

“Time is money” and “Every second counts”, are two statements that most entrepreneurs have ingrained in their brains.  Working as a freelance software development consultant means that I must split myself into as many people as the projects I am working on.  When a client wants their app to be available on Android, IOS, and Windows Phones I want to […]

Xamarin Error Codes / Debugging

Scenario:  Builds Successfully. Deploys to Simulator Successfully. Fails to Deploy to Device. If you are receiving MT 1006 or MT 1007 error message check to make sure you have the latest version of XCode installed on your MAC and that the version of IOS matches what is installed on your PC. Open XCode -> Window -> […]

Raspberry PI Oh My!

My RPI is here, awww just look at her!  In the palm of my hand, I’m holding a Raspberry Pi Zero W. I started “playing”, installed Raspbian on a 32GB card along with PiCast.  The idea is to be able to cast from my Pi to my tv LIKE Chromecast but better because I have more […]